Zirconia instruments for the dental practice

Adjustment of zirconia copings and structures including monoliths

Zirconia has risen to global prominence as an important material in dentistry. DFS Diamon has early on started to develop suitable instruments for this innovative yet challenging material. In doing so, we had to consider the specific challenges this material creates in order to minimize risks and achieve the best possible patient outcomes.

A regular occurrence in the dental practice is the need for minor chairside adjustments on a zirconia structure (monolith or zirconia structure with ceramic build-up). Special care is required even in simple adjustment cases as the dentist will most commonly be dealing with fully sintered zirconia. The grinding and polishing tools used must be specifically designed for zirconia. Furthermore, users need to ensure both sufficient water cooling and a careful approach to grinding to avoid microcracks, which weaken the zirconia structure and can significantly reduce the restoration's longevity.

DFS-Diamon has developed a new range of zirconia tools which meet the challenges related to this material. The instruments have been coated with diamonds specially selected for this purpose in fine and superfine grit. A total of four different shapes are available (in both fine and superfine grit each) which are suitable for adjustment work.


The Circopol Instruments have been developed for efficient polishing of zirconia (including ceramic build-up). Two FG polishers applied sequentially rapidly produce a shiny surface; the diamond-impregnated felt polishers (single use only, not autoclavable) then deliver perfect high shine.

Zirconia set 

The abovementioned instruments have been combined into a kit (article number 800209) in order to provide an assorted set in an autoclavable bur stand and to facilitate the clinical processes.

Preparation of zirconia restorations

We refer users to the product segment diamond instruments regarding the special preparation set Diafutur Z for zirconia preparations and the preparation set C for full-ceramic restorations.

Oral interventions on zirconia restorations

DFS Diamon offers an effective set of instruments suitable for oral interventions on zirconia crowns and bridges, some of which have already been discussed in the product segment diamond instruments:



Instructions for use